UoN vice-chancellor welcomes first year students into the University

On the 16th of September 2022, the Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi Prof. Stephen Kiama gave his address to the freshmen and women joining the University for the September 2022 intake.

At the beginning of his address, the Vice Chancellor introduced Ms Melvin Thogo, the University of Nairobi Student Association president, who began by congratulating all the students for joining the greatest university in east and central Africa.

New Uon council inducted into the University

Uon Chancellor Dr. Vijoo Rattansi welcomed  the newly appointed council into the University of Nairobi.

The  Chancellor  congratulated   the Chairperson Prof. Miriam Were and the other new members of the  Council  on their  appointment  and wished  them  noble  stewardship  tasks  in executing  their  function  that lies ahead of them. 

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The University of Kwazulu Natal(South Africa) Benchmarks with UoN on reforms

A delegation from Kwazulu Natal University, South Africa led by Prof. Stephen Mutula paid a courtesy call on the Vice Chancellor of the University of Nairobi, Prof. Kiama Gitahi on 27th July 2022

The team visited the University of Nairobi to benchmark on the ongoing governance reforms that UoN has carried out recently.  Kwazulu Natal  still uses  the College Administrative system which UoN did away with  during the implementation of governance reforms.  Prof. Mutula noted the college system is expensive and bureaucratic. 

Industrial visit to huawei training centre (AFRALTI)

UoN ICT Centre Academy, cohort-2022 had an industrial/academic visit at Huawei telecommunication installation center on July  19th , 2022.

A total of 24 (twenty four) students and 5 trainers (Uon ICT staff) took part in the training of the new technology trends in the market at the Huawei Training Center. This exposed the students to the practical experience of designing, installing and managing of computer telecommunication systems.

Ict staff trained on fire and suppression system

The University of Nairobi  ICT staff were trained on fire and suppression system  which took place in the educational data centre training room on 28th Jul 2022 The training came immediately after the completion of  installation of fire and suppression system in the  server room.

The trainees were  equipped with the knowledge of how to deal with  different classes of fire by using appropriate fire extinguishers. The trainers also  demonstrated to  the members of staff on how the fire system works in case of fire outbreak . 

Students selected from UoN to Huawei Management Trainee program

From the recently concluded Huawei Management Trainee program job fair where over 2000 students from all universities in Kenya participated. This job fair by Huawei and other telecom companies was hosted at Manu Chandaria Auditorium University of Nairobi on (Tuesday) on 31st May 2022. 9 graduates from the University of Nairobi have been selected to join Huawei. They will embark on a 6 months program that will see them become full time employees at Huawei Kenya.

The 9 students are:

UON signs an agreement with Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA)

The University of Nairobi signed an agreement with Global Centre on Adaptation (GCA) to scale adaptation efforts in Africa through a project titled, ‘Enhancing and scaling up climate adaptation for resilient infrastructure in kenya and the east african region”. The agreement worth Kshs. 140M will see the University deliver a master class on Climate change and conduct innovative climate change solutions competition among the youth. The top 3 innovative solutions will be awarded Kshs. 5M each.


The TTT program is crafted to helps instructors master basic datacom knowledge and capabilities in small and medium-sized network planning and design, deployment, implementation, and O&M optimization.

In the recently concluded Train The Trainers program, 21 lecturers got trained and certified for HCIA Datacom as per the UoN-HUAWEI Collaboration Agreement. The 2 weeks training was held at the University of Nairobi, ICT Centre. The lecturers were selected from the following universities:

Daystar University Academy
Murang'a University