Title | Contacts/Email |
Authority to Incur Expenditure | aie_support@uonbi.ac.ke |
Learning Management System | lst@uonbi.ac.ke |
AfyaKE System | uhsmis@uonbi.ac.ke |
Staff Appraisal System | uspas@uonbi.ac.ke |
Human Resource MIS | hrmis_support@uonbi.ac.ke |
Online Leave Management | almis@uonbi.ac.ke |
System of Websites | webcontent@uonbi.ac.ke |
Student Management Information System | smis@uonbi.ac.ke |
Title | Contacts/Email |
Anti-Virus Installation | Clink the link on the left panel |
Access to E-mail | Clink the link on the left panel |
Basic Troubleshooting | Clink the link on the left panel |
Faculty of Health Sciences | VOIP: 5012 |
Faculty of Business & Management Scences | 6007 |
Title | Contacts/Email |
Active Directory | 4011 |
Network Infrastructure Services | VOIP: 4006 |
Title | Contacts/Email |
Maintenance Services | VOIP: 4023 |
Title | Contacts/Email |
ICTC Administration | VOIP: 4002,4003,4030 |