The ICT Centre has developed and implemented a huge portfolio of market driven Management Information Systems (MIS) applications that support the functions of the University.

Due to their competitiveness and market adaptability, these applications have continued to attract the attention of other institutions of higher learning. One such application is the Student Management Information System (SMIS) which has greatly simplified the management of student academic affairs. Others include the e-learning, performance contracting and staff performance appraisal systems.

MIS Systems Summary

online leave  application(olapis)

This system automates the process of leave application. Implementation was carried out in 2010 at a cost of approximately Kshs1.5M. Using a workflow system of online leave application, the process has been streamlined, thus making approval process more manageable. Information is sent to users via email on their leave application status. Furthermore, this has contributed to a paperless community. In future, other forms of leave will be implemented e.g. sabbatical leave

SMIS (Student Management Information System)

this is a University/College Management Software developed exclusively to enhance the administration and management of Student records. the ssystem allows students to pay school fees and register their courses online

RGMIS research Grant Management Information System

this system automates tracking and monitoring of ongoing and pending academic grants proposals.the systeml automates the manual research process, help in tracking the research output and help the management in making decisions.


The system enable the Board of Postgraduate Studies (BPS)to maintain an accurate and easily retrievable record of the progress of each postgraduate student and keep track of the students’ contact with their supervisors through easily retrievable records of submitted progress reports

University Health Management Information System (UHMIS)

This is an in-house developed health automated system intended to be used by physicians, nurses and pharmacists. The aim of UHMIS is to improve health care quality and increase patient and physician satisfaction at the staff and student clinics. The system allows one to collect, analyze, retain retrieve and evaluate health information

staff clearance and staff movement systems

Staff movement is a system that enables the administration track records of staff during internal transfers, show any staff away on study leave, sabbatical leave or maternity leave, and staff who are away from the office on work travel.

Staff Clearance on the other hand is an automated system that will enable the clearing process of staff in regards to internal transfer, resignation, termination or death.

E- Learning Information System

it is a web based system used to support teaching and research at the university. Students can login to access lecture notes and assignments posted by lecturers. Students can also conduct online discussions on various academic topics and access self instructional e-books written by University of Nairobi scholars

Staff Appraisal System

this is a system that manages its annual appraisal process of employees guided by set schedules carried out between the months of October and March. The appraisal entails peer, supervisor, middle and top management. This appraisal is based on agreed targets and their recorded performances, identified key indicators, trainings undertaken and any other career development progress made within the year

Help Desk system

it is an in-house system. The system handles all our ICTC user requests by routing and logging them to respective queues that are then resolved by the respective staff the ticket is directed to

The MIS section staff include:

  • Deputy Director
  • Project Leaders
  • Chief ICT Officer (MIS)
  • Senior ICT Officers (MIS)
  • Website Administrative Officers
  • Website Communication Officers
  • Website Support Officers