KENET- Safaricom E-Learning Discounted Bundle

If you made an error in your submission, kindly raise a support case by submitting your query under the Contact Support tab of this platform.

For submission errors, under Contact Support, select Rectify Submission Error under Category. You will be required to re-enter the mobile telephone number used for the erroneous submission.

All reported erroneous submissions shall be deleted every 24 hours to allow for the users to submit afresh.

Detailed Question

I made an error when submitting my mobile number for enrollment. How can I rectify the error?


FAQ Categories
KENET-Safaricom E-Learning Discounted Bundles

KENET- Safaricom E-Learning Discounted Bundle

The mobile number submission platform associates a user to a learning institution through ownership of a valid educational institution email address such as Kindly contact your learning institution or university to create for you an institutional email address to allow you to register for the discounted bundles.

Detailed Question

Can I register my number for the discounted bundles for E-Learning using an alternative email e.g gmail, yahoo etc?


FAQ Categories
KENET-Safaricom E-Learning Discounted Bundles